70% of All Papers Submitted to A High Impact Educational Journal Get Rejected

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Why was your paper rejected?

Ask our editors! A person indicating thumbs down

Seventy present (70%) of all papers submitted to a high impact educational journal get rejected while not peer-review.

That means only half-hour of papers get sent for critique, and that we grasp that the majority of those don’t get accepted either. In fact, the general acceptance rate by some journals is a smaller amount than five-hitter. These are terribly rough estimates from my expertise at a comparatively high impact educational journal (impact issue of roughly 10) and these numbers most likely vary significantly reckoning on the journal and also the discipline.

But what do these numbers mean for you as an instructional making an attempt to publish and obtain feedback regarding your research? If you were lucky enough to possess your paper peer-review, a minimum of you has got some elaborate feedback and what you would like to do to enhance your paper before you return it. However what regarding the opposite 70%?

The explanations given by the handling editor are sometimes obscure and generalized. We currently give a free service to inform you why your paper has rejected while not critique. Our editors can check your paper for these five key reasons why your paper may need to be been rejecting by an editor before causation it to a knowledgeable peer reviewer for assessment.

Technical necessities:

Your paper meets the technical necessities of the journal: Words, figures, alternative length limits, kind of paper, formatting, spelling, needed sections.


Is your manuscript comprehensible? Are the language, structure, and figures clear and straightforward to know?

Scope of the journal:

Does your paperwork inside the scope of your target journal? Have you ever chosen the proper target audience? Is your article a lot of appropriate for a specialized journal? What will this even mean?

Novelty or impact:

Does your paper introduce new work or is it an extension of a distinct paper? Have you ever created this clear within the letter, introduction, and conclusion?


Is your study finished? Does one get to give a lot of results? Will it leave too several open questions?

We check for all of those things in our manuscript medical checkup service in order that you recognize what to boost before you submit your paper, however, if your paper has already rejected and you’re unsure why contact us and raise us for facilitate.

Alternatively, our acceptance caretaker service can lookout of everything till your paper has accepted.

At our website, we have a holistic approach to enhance your manuscript and help you publish your manuscript.

Contact us on WHATSAPP for quick response. You can also start a LIVE CHAT session to place an order without any hassle. We recommend you to contact us even after placing the order using our forms.

Disclaimer: Services provided here are only for Novelty, Education and Entertainment purposes only.